Product reviews for The Cow Tippers

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Cow Tippers
"Last night my Grade Seven Drama Club closed its four-day run of THE COW TIPPERS to tremendous accolades from our audiences! This play is delightful! Very cleverly written, with great character roles to challenge and inspire young thespians. Last year, we mounted SHOESTRING THEATRE, another Eddie McPherson play, which was lots of fun and very well received. You can be sure I'll be checking out other Eddie McPherson plays for future production consideration." -- C.H. (Director)
Guest | 10/30/2018 12:22 PM
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Cow Tippers
"Just wanted to let you know that our dinner theater performed THE COW TIPPERS and it was a huge success.  We had more comments about this play than any other. Several people said they had not laughed so hard in months and they will be first in line if we ever do a sequel.  We appreciate the quality of material you put out and keep up the good work! Thanks again." --  S.M. (Director)
Guest | 10/30/2018 12:22 PM
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