Never the Same

Book By: Dennis Bush
Play #: 2139
Pages: 56 pgs
Cast: Resource Book

Your actors will delve into these pieces with relish and your audiences will identify with all the characters, humorous and heartbreaking alike. All of the material has been workshopped and performed by high school-age actors as well as by professional performers.


The collection features 16 monologues and 5 scenes for 2 characters. Of the monologues, 9 are for females and 7 for males, though some gender switching is workable.


The material runs the gamut from quirky comedy to emotional and dramatic. Many of the pieces center on relationships, everything from "Red Vine Kiss," about the young couple who kiss while sharing a final piece of candy, to "I'll Be Your Man," about the guy who judges the availability of women by what they buy at the grocery store. Other pieces feature the theme of growing pains--as leaving for college, leaving a job, and even possibly leaving a marriage.


Playwright Dennis Bush is also the author of an earlier collection of monologues published by Eldridge, "Life and Death, Laughter and Love."

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