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  Fallen Goldfish

by Dean Phillips II

When Thomas hurriedly flushes the deceased family goldfish down the toilet to replace it with a new one while his young son, Lewis, is at school, he receives a knock on his front door. Greeting him is a golden-cladded warrior claiming that he and his Viking-like associates knew and fought alongside the deceased Stanley (the goldfish). With his living room now invaded by these unusual warriors demanding to have the funeral in his house, Thomas must make them leave before Lewis and his mother come home. All just because of a dead goldfish. About 35-minute runti...

20 pages. 1 m, 1 w, 1 child, 6 - 16 flexible roles

  A Tale of Bravery of a Zebra, a Lioness and a Very, Very Small Bird

Children by Nikki Harmon

An optimistic and friendly Grévy’s zebra sees a reward poster for rhino horn nailed to an acacia tree. She quickly hatches a plan and convinces a feared lioness and a hesitant, red-billed oxpecker to sneak out of the wildlife conservancy and save the endangered black rhinos. Soon these three endangered species and unlikely friends head into the perilous bush, filled with poachers hiding behind every tree. With the help of the lioness’ old friend, a puff adder and her snakelets, they save not only a herd of rhinos but a tigoni reed frog, a mama elephant, and h...

44 pages. 3 m, 5 f, 5 flexible, many extras


Mythology by Chase Owen

While on a school trip to the local museum three high school friends find themselves in a restricted area. In this room the students discover a statue of Pandora and her famous box. The box is opened and three creatures - Famine, War, and Disease - are released into the world. With the help of a mysterious guide the three friends must fulfill the wish of the creatures to return everything back to normal.

30 pages. Flexible cast of 12 or more actors.

  Then One Foggy Christmas Eve

Christmas Comedy by Alexis Kozak

’Tis the night before Christmas, and the employees at the local Shop Smart are forced to work a double shift. Soon a no-good Secret Santa with questionable intentions shows up to pay off the layaway. Will greed win out or will he get put on the naughty list? Throw in a live broadcast with a disgruntled local news anchor, a once in a lifetime mystical fog, and Santa’s giant energy weapon powerful enough to destroy Earth (Pew! Pew!), and you have a superstore full of workers ready to take down the capitalist machine and ultimately help everyone celebrate the ho...

54 pages. 5 m, 4 w, 2 flexible, extras

  Paper Cuts

Comedy by Ken Preuss

Three comedic short plays featuring mixed-up love letters, messed-up decorations, and misplaced notebooks, lead to big laughs and moving reminders that relationships unfold in unexpected ways.


"After Math Aftermath" (1m, 2w) When Alice’s plans to deliver her secret admirer poem to Dylan go awry, her best friend, Gabby, jumps in to save the day.

"Pinning Punning Pining" (1m, 1w) While preparing decorations for a dan...

26 pages. (3 m, 5 w, with some flexibility)

  Lost in the Woods

Comedy by Stephen Murray

A group of students enrolled in a technology-free wilderness camp find themselves lost in the middle of the woods. As darkness falls, a mysterious counselor that wasn’t introduced at orientation finds the students and sets up camp with them. Around the campfire, the students and counselor share ghost stories and tales of the mysterious creatures of the forest like sasquatch and the chupacabra. But not all creatures are big and scary. Gnomes also appear and explain that they are guardians of the woods. Will the campers ever get out of the woods? When the real ...

30 pages. 7 w, 7 flexible, ensemble of 8 or more